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flynn investigating run for spokane city council

Early life

Growing up in the Corbin Park neighborhood, as kids we played kickball in the streets, and launched off the swings and climbed the trees in the Park. I attended Kindergarten at Emerson, and 1st through 8th grade at St. Al's.


After graduating G-Pre with cum laude honors, I was 3rd generation in my family to achieve a Bachelors from Gonzaga University school of business.  In professional life as a geek, I obtained an MCSE certification with a +Security designation.


Beginning with delivering circulars to doors at age 6 (my brother was 4!), I moved on to other jobs kids do (mowing, shoveling, delivering, etc), until I got my first job with a paycheck at 15, and I've only been without a job for a total of 2 weeks since.  My first "career job" after college was information technology in healthcare, and I have remained in healthcare IT for 28+ years now. 


As a practicing Catholic, I believe each of us has inherent value, deserve human dignity, and have an obligation to God's creation to use our gifts in service to each other, especially the least of us.
As a political Conservative, I believe we (as in society) best facilitate each individual's obligation to creation by minimizing government involvement to those few, limited aspects that individuals simply cannot do themselves and/or in collaboration with others.
In other words:  "Back to Basics"